Contoh Script Moderator Bahasa Inggris yang Simple

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Berikut adalah contoh script moderator yang simple yang saya gunakan pada saat memoderatori presentasi riset di kampus. Semoga bermanfaat.

Sesi 1: Pembuka
Good morning everyone.

Today, it is very special because this is the first Monday Morning Forum.
In this very special occasion, Prof. Inokawa would like to present his reasearch with the tittle "Preminilary Study on antenna-couple bolometer utilizing SOI MOSFET".

Ok, to Prof. Inokawa the floor is yours.

Sesi 2: Tanya Jawab
Thank you Prof. Inokawa

Now let’s continue to the session questions and answers. If you have any question please raise your hand.

Sesi 3: Penutup
Ok, before we close this Monday Morning Forum let’s give a big applause to Prof. Inokawa, thank you.

Semoga bermanfaat,
10 Shaban 1436 H

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